Dear Person with Parkinson’s,
Would you like to be in a dance performance with people with Parkinson’s from all over the world, that you learn in your home at your own pace?
My name is Pamela Quinn and I am a movement teacher, choreographer, and person with Parkinson’s Disease. I have lived with PD for over 25 years, and I have been helping other people with PD achieve greater mobility for over 15.
Right now, I am searching for people to participate in a group dance called “Red, Yellow, Black.” The dance will take place in July at the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Parkinson’s Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The dance is simple and easy-to-learn, so people of all ability levels can participate. There are seated roles for people who have more trouble moving and standing roles for people who are more able. You can choose whatever role makes you more comfortable!
“Red, Yellow, Black” will draw on the passion of Latin dance, and use partner work and a spectacle of swirling towels to celebrate Spanish culture. Here is the stage we will perform on:
The stage at the Barcelona International Convention Center
You will need a partner to practice, but you will learn most of “Red, Yellow, Black” in your home, through a series of small, simple videos online. Then everyone will come together for two in-person rehearsals in Barcelona the day before the beginning of the conference. There will be 25-40 people participating.
This will be a special experience, as it will connect you with other PwPs from across the world. At the last World Parkinson’s Congress in Kyoto, Japan, I created a similar piece called “Ooh Aah!” We had people from Asia, Europe, Australia, and America in the piece, and many of them still talk with one another. Here are some photos:

I hope you will join me and other PwPs from around the world in creating this piece!
Un Abrazo,
If you are interested in participating in “Red, Yellow, Black” please review the exact requirements below:
Requirements for Participation:
You will need to attend the World Parkinson’s Congress in Barcelona, Spain
The dance is performed by duets, so you will need to find and choose a partner who will also attend the WPC, and who wants to perform with you. This can be your spouse, your physical therapist or dance teacher, or a friend with PD. In the participation form below, please include both your information and your partner’s information.
You and your partner will need to commit to:
Six practice sessions of 30 minutes each across six days in your home in early May
You can review the videos as many times as you want
You can ask for as much guidance as you want via Zoom and email
Two 30 minute Zoom sessions with me, for review
One three hour afternoon rehearsal in Barcelona on Monday, July 3rd, the day before the Congress (so you will need to arrive in Barcelona by midday Monday, July 3rd at the latest)
One three hour afternoon rehearsal in Barcelona on Tuesday, July 4th, the day of the opening ceremonyIf you are interested in participating in “Red, Yellow, Black” please fill out the form below with your partner. I hope to see you in Barcelona!
You can email any additional questions to